The Wisconsin Crop Innovation Center, established in 2017 by the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, is the largest publicly held fee-for-service plant transformation facility in North America. Plant transformation at WCIC starts in the Molecular Technologies Department with design and assembly of plasmids which are then delivered in Agrobacterium to the Production Transformation Team for plant transformation and editing services in a wide range of species (including elite varieties) including barley, Brachypodium, Cannabis (Hemp), cowpea, maize, soybean, sorghum, wheat; the R&D Team has also successfully transformed chickpea, common bean, potato, tobacco, and tomato. The Greenhouse Team transitions transgenic plants from tissue culture to soil for production of seeds, and the Plant Analysis Team measures transgene copy number via ddPCR. We would be excited to discuss any potential research collaborations into new plant species or technologies in which you may be interested.