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  • Sunday, Aug 6th
    2:15 PM – 2:35 PM EDT
    (CS-4-4) Oriented symmetric divisions contribute to stomatal patterning across eudicots
    Location: Meeting Room 203-205
    Symposium Speaker: Kensington S. Hartman (she/her/hers) – University of California, San Diego
    Abstract Co-Author: Madison Goetz – University of California, San Diego
    Abstract Co-Author: Andrew Muroyama, PhD – University of California, San Diego
    Development: Vegetative
  • Sunday, Aug 6th
    2:55 PM – 3:15 PM EDT
    (CS-4-6) Leaf epidermal patterning and fate determination
    Location: Meeting Room 203-205
    Symposium Speaker: Chin-Min Ho, PhD (she/her/hers) – Institute of Plant and Microbial biology, Academia Sinica
    Development: Vegetative
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (600-30) A key nuclear factor essential for cytochrome b6f complex assembly and chloroplast development in Arabidopsis
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Junxian He, Doctoral – The Chinese University of Hong Kong
    Development: Vegetative
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (600-31) AINTEGUMENTA and redundant AINTEGUMENTA-LIKE-6 are required for bract outgrowth in Arabidopsis
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Darren P. Manuela, n/a – University of South Carolina
    Development: Vegetative
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (600-32) Characterization of a novel role of citrate mediated root development in Arabidopsis thaliana
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Jesus T. Peng (he/him/his) – University of California, San Diego
    Development: Vegetative
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (600-33) Competition for resources during semi-sequential growth of phytomers drive allometric patterns in the grass Setaria
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Renee Dale, PhD – Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
    Development: Vegetative
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (600-34) Exploring Genetic Regulation of Compound Leaf Development in Eudicots: A Comparative Transcriptomic Approach
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Siyu Li (she/her/hers) – UC Davis
    Development: Vegetative
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (600-36) How ectopic vascular meristems form?
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Israel L. Cunha Neto, PhD – Cornell University
    Development: Vegetative
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (600-37) Map-based cloning of the Liguleless 1 gene regulating architecture in barley
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Shengming Yang, n/a – United States Department of Agriculture
    Abstract Co-Author: Megan Overlander-Chen
    Abstract Co-Author: Jason Fiedler
    Abstract Co-Author: Shengming Yang, n/a – United States Department of Agriculture
    Development: Vegetative
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (600-38) Mediator subunit MED14 regulates iron homeostasis through balancing of ROS equilibrium in the Arabidopsis root
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Development: Vegetative
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (600-39) Microbial pattern recognition suppresses de novo organogenesis
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Yun-Fan S. Chen – University of Georgia
    Development: Vegetative
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (600-40) Multiomics reveals carbon nanosol promote the growth of tobacco plants through regulating the auxin homeostasis
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Wang Chen, Master – Zhengzhou Tobacco Research Institute of CNTC
    Development: Vegetative
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (600-41) Nuclear localization of HD-Zip IV transcription factor GLABRA2 is driven by importin alpha
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Bilal Ahmad, Doctoral (he/him/his) – Kansas State University
    Development: Vegetative
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (600-42) OsGRAS-like Gene Response to Root Morphology under Variable Nutrition Condition in Rice Seedling
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: WEN-LII HUANG, n/a – National Chiayi University
    Development: Vegetative
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (600-43) Reproductive competence is regulated independently of vegetative phase change in Arabidopsis thaliana
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Jianfei Zhao, Ph.D – University of Pennsylvania
    Development: Vegetative
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (600-44) The role of EPFLs & CLV3 in the regulation of shoot apical meristem
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Muhammad Uzair, PhD (he/him/his) – The university of Tennessee
    Development: Vegetative
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (600-45) The search for the PLETHORA genes of Mammillaria san-angelensis (Cactaceae)
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Luis Cisneros, Biologist – Posgrado en Ciencias Biológicas, Instituto de Biología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
    Development: Vegetative
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (600-46) Transcriptomic analysis reveals a concomitant increase in transcripts related to photosynthesis and C, N and S assimilation induced by kappa oligocarrageenan in Arabidopsis
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Daniel Laporte, PhD – Universidad Autónoma de Chile
    Development: Vegetative
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (600-47) Uncovering the genetic controls of the Arabidopsis thaliana root growth zone and its response to gravity
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Ashley R. Henry, MA (she/her/hers) – University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Development: Vegetative
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (600-48) Unraveling Root Complexity at Single-cell Resolution in Maize
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Sunil K. Kenchanmane Raju (he/him/his) – New York University
    Development: Vegetative
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (600-49) Oriented symmetric divisions contribute to stomatal patterning across eudicots
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Kensington S. Hartman (she/her/hers) – University of California, San Diego
    Development: Vegetative
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (600-50) Leaf epidermal patterning and fate determination
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Chin-Min Ho, PhD (she/her/hers) – Institute of Plant and Microbial biology, Academia Sinica
    Development: Vegetative