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  • Monday, Aug 7th
    4:00 PM – 4:20 PM EDT
    (CS-18-4) In situ quantification of plant carbon allocation in a Maize-AMF system
    Location: Meeting Room 201-202
    Symposium Speaker: Kong M. Wong, PhD (he/him/his) – Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
    Abstract Co-Author: Keith E. Duncan – Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
    Abstract Co-Author: Sergey Komarov – Washington University in St. Louis
    Abstract Co-Author: Dierdra Daniels – Valent BioSciences LLC
    Abstract Co-Author: Clara Lebow – Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
    Abstract Co-Author: Daniela S. Floss – Valent BioSciences LLC
    Abstract Co-Author: Yuan-Chuan Tai – Washington University in St. Louis
    Abstract Co-Author: Christopher N. Topp, PhD – Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Tuesday, Aug 8th
    3:58 PM – 4:00 PM EDT
    (CS-28-3) Synergy and complexity in the Autoregulation of Nodulation MtTML1 and MtTML2 and DAR hypernodulation mutants add new insights to regulation of nodulation - Lightning Talk
    Location: Meeting Room 201-202
    Symposium Speaker: Julia A. Frugoli, PhD (she/her/hers) – Clemson University
    Abstract Co-Author: Diptee Chaulagain, PhD – Clemson University
    Abstract Co-Author: Elise L. Schnabel, BS – Clemson University
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-04) 12-oxophytodieonic Acid primes induced systemic resistance in cottons
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Sang-Wook Park, n/a – Auburn University
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-06) A semi-automated platform for studying plant-microbe interactions
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Sannidhi Menon (she/her/hers) – Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-08) Biofertilizer additions have differential effects on microbiome composition and diversity across poplar genotypes
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Alyssa A. Carrell, PhD – Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-09) Breeding of microbiomes conferring salt tolerance to plants
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Caio Guilherme Pereira, PhD – The University of Texas at Austin
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-10) Characterizing the microbial carrying capacity of Arabidopsis thaliana
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Michael Zulch (he/him/his) – Boston University
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-11) Circular RNA response to microbe interactions of Lotus japonicus
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Delecia Utley, n/a – North Carolina State University
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-13) Cover crop conditioned microbiomes can be used to manage cash crop stress responses across locations and time
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-14) Cultural, environmental, and genetic influence on soybean rhizosphere composition and agronomic performance
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Brett Hale, n/a – Arkansas State University
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-15) Do spaceflight-isolated rhizobacteria promote plant growth in replete and low phosphorus media?
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Aurora Toennisson, n/a – North Carolina State University
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-16) Endophytic fungi symbiosis modulates the nitrogen deficiency-conducted hormone signaling
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Shu-Jen Wang, PhD – National Taiwan University
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-17) Evaluating the use of Cupriavidus metallidurans as a soil amendment to improve plant resistance to metal induced toxiciy
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Frances A. Edmonson, B.S. Astrobiology – Florida Institute of Technology
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-18) Examining Environmental and Genetic Drivers of Alfalfa Nodulation and Nodule Branching Over Time and Space
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Elizabeth L. Paillan, BS Plant Science - Genetics and Biotechnology (she/her/hers) – The Pennsylvania State University
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-19) Exploiting Halophyte-associated Bacteria to Improve Salinity Tolerance of Alfalfa
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Iqra Farooq, PhD (she/her/hers) – Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-20) Exploring the Early Stages of Root Nodule Symbiosis in Medicago truncatula Using Single Nuclei RNAseq Data Analysis
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Jade Boyd, Bachelors in Biology (she/her/hers) – University of Florida
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-21) Functional potential of microbial specialists associated with the rhizosphere of wet and dry ecotypes of perennial grass Andropogon gerardii
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Anna Kazarina, MS – Kansas State University
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-22) Identification of factors affecting aerial root formation in sorghum to enhance biological nitrogen fixation
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Emily Wolf – University of Florida
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-23) Improved Method for Extraction and Purification of Ergot Alkaloids from Tall Fescue Seed
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Nabanita Chattopadhyay, PhD – University of Texas Rio Grande valley
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-25) Incorporating Edible Decomposers into Sustainable Bioregenerative Life Support Systems for a Martian Settlement
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Caitlyn Hubric, n/a – Florida Institute of Technology
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-26) Integration of nutrient and symbiosis signaling by CLAVATA receptors
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Chandan K. Gautam, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Miami
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-27) Investigating Drought Induced Shifts on Assembly of a Designed Root Microbial Community and Subsequent Plant Resilience
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Brittni R. Kelley, PhD – PRI - Michigan State University
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-28) Investigating the Influence of Microbial Products on Soybean Microbiome and Potential Benefits Conferred During Drought
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Marlana DeClaire, Bachelor's of Science – Michigan State University
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-29) Isolation and characterization of stress tolerant plant growth promoting Pseudomonas psychrotolerans from rhizospheric soil in Mexico
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Luis Lightbourn (he/him/his) – Instituto de Investigación Lightbourn
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-31) Local adaptation to mercury and cadmium in nitrogen fixing rhizobia is driven by copy number and enhanced gene expression
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Aditi Bhat, PhD (she/her/hers) – Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
    Abstract Co-Author: Reena Sharma – Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
    Abstract Co-Author: Michael Clear
    Abstract Co-Author: M. Mercedes Lucas – Instituto de Ciencias Agrarias ICA-CSIC
    Abstract Co-Author: Brendan Epstein – University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
    Abstract Co-Author: Peter Tiffin – University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN
    Abstract Co-Author: José J Pueyo – Plant and Environmental Quality, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ICA-CSIC, Madrid, Spain
    Abstract Co-Author: Timothy Paape
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-32) Measuring microbial activity and diversity with BONCAT-FACS across the Root-Soil Resource Gradient
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Jennifer Harris (she/her/hers) – Penn State
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-33) Mechanistic insights into the soybean microbiome to combat iron deficiency chlorosis
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Urmi Das – North Dakota State University
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-34) Metatranscriptome analysis reveals the possible role of an endophyte from salt-adapted Pokkali rice in mediating tolerance to salinity stress in salt sensitive rice variety.
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Megha H. Sampangi-Ramaiah, Ph.D (she/her/hers) – Indiana University
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-37) Phenotypic characterization and Analysis of Tnt1 insertion mutations in mutants defective in symbiotic nitrogen fixation in the model legume plant Medicago truncatula
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Vijaykumar Veerappan, PhD (he/him/his) – Department of Biology, Eastern Connecticut State University
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-38) Plant growth promoting effects of ISS-derived bacteria in simulated microgravity
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: David Handy, n/a – Florida Institute of Technology
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-39) Plant-Microbe Interfaces: a lectin receptor-like kinase-based signaling cascade mediates Laccaria bicolor ectomycorrhizal colonization
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Jay Chen, PhD (he/him/his) – Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-40) Regulator of symbiosome differentiation mediating transcriptional control of Medicago nodule development
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Akanksha Bhardwaj, N/A, n/a – National institute of plant genome rese
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-41) Sorghum accessions varying in phosphorus acquisition efficiency adopt an ‘outsourcing strategy’ via arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for efficient P uptake
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Jasmine Gill – Clemson University
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-42) Studies on the use of locally available (Coxs Bazar and Saint Martin) alternative renewable seaweed wastes as compost organic fertilizer resources.
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Roy Durlave, Masters (he/him/his) – Bangladesh Open University
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-43) Supermycorrhizal Mutants to the Rescue: Functional analysis of CORYNE as a regulator in arbuscular mycorrhiza
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Erica Lin – University of Miami
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-44) Synergistic Effects of H2S and Bacteria in Mitigation of Cadmium Stress in Rice (Oryza sativa L.)
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: zahra jabeen, PhD – CUI
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-45) Temporal dynamics of the Populus microbiome: from seasonal fluctuations to change across host lifetime
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: William Argiroff, PhD (he/him/his) – Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    Abstract Co-Author: Alyssa A. Carrell, PhD – Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    Abstract Co-Author: Dawn Klingeman
    Abstract Co-Author: Nicholas Dove
    Abstract Co-Author: Wellington Muchero – Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    Abstract Co-Author: Allison Veach
    Abstract Co-Author: Toni Wahl
    Abstract Co-Author: Steven Lebreux
    Abstract Co-Author: Amber Webb
    Abstract Co-Author: Kellie Peyton
    Abstract Co-Author: Christopher Schadt
    Abstract Co-Author: Melissa Cregger, PhD (she/her/hers) – Oak Ridge National Laboratory
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-47) The effect of three macronutrients on microbial community composition in quinoa hydroponics
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Kate Jaggi – Brigham Young University
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-48) The National Microbiome Data Collaborative (NMDC): advancing plant-microbiome research through open multi-omics data and standardized metadata
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Leah Johnson, PhD – Los Alamos National Laboratory
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-49) Unraveling the Molecular Mechanisms of Endophyte-Poplar Interactions under Abiotic Stresses
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Daisy Herrera, Bachelor of Science in Earth andEnvironmental Science (she/her/hers) – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-50) Variation in Nodule Morphology and Host Selectivity in Legume-Rhizobia Symbiosis Across 202 M. truncatula Accessions
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Patrick Sydow – The Pennsylvania State University
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-97) Synergy and complexity in the Autoregulation of Nodulation MtTML1 and MtTML2 and DAR hypernodulation mutants add new insights to regulation of nodulation
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Julia A. Frugoli, PhD (she/her/hers) – Clemson University
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-98) Perception of butenolides by Bacillus subtilis through the alpha/beta hydrolase RsbQ
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Symposium Speaker: Muhammad Kamran, PhD – The University of Western Australia
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-100) In situ quantification of plant carbon allocation in a Maize-AMF system
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Kong M. Wong, PhD (he/him/his) – Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Microbe Beneficial