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  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-01) Comparative transcriptomic analyses of Peruvian cassava infested with the whitefly Aleurotrachelus socialis
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Lina Aguirre-Rojas, Entomology – University of California Riverside
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Animal
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-02) Environmental metagenetics unveil novel plant-pollinator interactions
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Sydney B. Wizenberg, PhD – York University
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Animal
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (300-03) Sorghum and maize flavonoids affect the growth and survival of fall armyworm
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Debamalya Chatterjee, PhD (he/him/his) – The Pennsylvania State University
    Biotic Interactions: Plant-Animal