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  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (200-28) Anabaena cylindrica as a biofertilizer in Martian Settlements
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Haley Murphy, Astrobiology, Bachelor's of Science – Florida Institute of Technology
    Biochemistry: Photosynthesis and BioEnergy
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (200-30) Genetic determinants of photosynthetic efficiency in an Andean and a Mesoamerican accession of Phaseolus vulgaris L. in varying light intensities.
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Andrew O. Egesa, MSc. – University of Florida
    Biochemistry: Photosynthesis and BioEnergy
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (200-31) Metabolite profiles revealed interspecific and ontogenetic variations in C4 and C3 species in Sesuvioideae (Aizoaceae)
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Christian Siadjeu, PhD – Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
    Biochemistry: Photosynthesis and BioEnergy
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (200-32) PEPing-up Cool C4 Photosynthesis in Energycane (Saccharum hybrids)
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Kher Xing (Cindy) Chan, PhD – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    Biochemistry: Photosynthesis and BioEnergy
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (200-33) Protein phosphorylation and oxidative protein modification mediate plant photosystem II disassembly and repair
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Steven D. McKenzie, B.S. (he/him/his) – Purdue University
    Biochemistry: Photosynthesis and BioEnergy
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (200-34) Single-cell study of C3 to CAM transition in the ice plant points to new strategies for increasing drought and salt tolerance
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Noe Perron, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Florida
    Biochemistry: Photosynthesis and BioEnergy
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (200-35) The heterotrimeric G-protein beta subunit AGB1 modulates Arabidopsis responses to elevated [CO2]
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Parinita Majumdar, n/a – donald danforth plant science cen
    Biochemistry: Photosynthesis and BioEnergy
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (200-36) The Physiological Basis of Drought Stress Responsiveness of Switchgrass Genotypes with Altered Cell Wall Metabolism
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Rahele Panahabadi – Washington State University
    Biochemistry: Photosynthesis and BioEnergy
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (200-37) Understanding the cell structure of C4 bioenergy crops with 3D image analysis
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Moonsub Lee, PhD (he/him/his) – University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
    Biochemistry: Photosynthesis and BioEnergy
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (200-59) Gene expression, Molecular proliferation and Cellular signalling of Photosynthetic activities in Coffea arabica L.
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Vasu Jayaveeran
    Biochemistry: Photosynthesis and BioEnergy