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  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-75) Above ground, below ground and biochemical characteristics of soybeans seedlings (Glycine max L.) in response to drought stress.
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Idowu Arinola Obisesan, Ph.D. – Bowen University Iwo
    Abiotic: Water
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-76) Biostimulation and quantification of amino acids in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) subjected to abiotic stress.
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Rodolfo Braga Marino, Bachelor – Florestaria Cantareira LTDA
    Abiotic: Water
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-77) Changes in microbiome structure and plant’s defense responses during flooding stress and increased CO2
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Lauryn Coffman (she/her/hers) – University of Houston
    Abiotic: Water
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-78) Climate-tolerant, biofortified carrots: A sustainable micronutrient-rich high-value crop to enhance food security
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Md Harun Ar Rashid, N/A, PhD – Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
    Abiotic: Water
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-79) Different carbon allocation strategies in annual and perennial species of Brachypodium at reproductive stage under carbon limitation induced by drought
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Jie Yun, PhD – MIT
    Abiotic: Water
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-80) Engineering greater WUE in sorghum through tissue-specific manipulation of Synthetic gene to reduce stomatal density.
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: sanbon Ch Gosa, PhD – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
    Abiotic: Water
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-81) Estimation of drought tolerance in advanced lines derived from interspecific crosses Heliantus annuss L. and Helianthus argophyllus L.
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Muhammad Mubashar Hussaun, Ph.D – University of Sargodha
    Abiotic: Water
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-82) Extra-Ribosomal Functions of Ribosomal Protein L10B in Rice stress Adaptation
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: AKASHATA P. DAWANE, Ph.D – Regional Centre for Biotechnology, Faridabad
    Abiotic: Water
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-83) Foliar application of salicylic acid improved morpho-anatomical features of potato by irrigating with wastewater
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Sheza Ayaz, N/A, PhD – University of Education Lahore
    Abiotic: Water
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-84) Foliar MeJA application induces endogenous phytohormonal responses that stimulate the antioxidant system in Vaccinium corymbosum under combined drought and aluminum stress.
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Marjorie Reyes, Dr. – Universidad de La Frontera
    Abstract Co-Author: Cristina Caceres-Gomez
    Abstract Co-Author: Patricio Delgado-Santibanez
    Abstract Co-Author: Crystal Cazor-Curilef
    Abstract Co-Author: Jorge Gonzalez-Villagra
    Abstract Co-Author: Claudio Inostroza-Blancheteau,
    Abstract Co-Author: Alejandra Ribera-Fonseca
    Abstract Co-Author: Adriano Nunes-Nesi
    Abstract Co-Author: Mabel Delgado Delgado
    Abiotic: Water
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-85) Genetic basis of drought tolerance during barley germination, seedling stage, and seed development
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Connor Slawin, BS (he/him/his) – ORISE/USDA
    Abiotic: Water
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-86) Genetic Variability and Heritability for Forage and Seed Yields of Fourteen Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp) Genotypes under Drought Stress
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: MAGDY Maher Mosad Mohamed, PhD – ARC-Agricultural Research Center
    Abiotic: Water
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-87) Impact of xylem-specific SULTR3 gene mutations in Populus tremula × alba drought response
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Samantha M. Surber, Bachelor's of Science – University of Georgia
    Abiotic: Water
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-89) Leaf developmental responses of wild and domesticated barley, oat, wheat and Brachypodium under drought
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Jie Yun, PhD – MIT
    Abiotic: Water
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-90) Mitochondrial retrograde signaling regulates hypoxia tolerance in rice
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Su-May Yu, PhD – Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica
    Abiotic: Water
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-91) Multifaceted roles of rice ABA/stress-induced intrinsically disordered proteins in augmenting drought resistance
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Tuan-hua David Ho, Ph.D. – Academia Sinica
    Abiotic: Water
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-92) Proteomic analysis identifies drought-tolerance genes and pathways in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.)
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Xin Ye, n/a – Mississippi State University
    Abiotic: Water
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-93) Regulation of protein PARylation in ABA signaling and drought response
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Liming Xiong, n/a – Hong Kong Baptist University
    Abiotic: Water
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-94) Root Chemical Fingerprint: Metabolomic Analysis of Root Exudates in Wheat Varieties Under Drought Stress Conditions
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Saddia Galani, PhD – Karachi Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, University of Karachi, Karachi
    Abiotic: Water
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-95) Specificity in root domain-accumulation of Phytoglobin1 and nitric oxide (NO) determines meristematic viability in water-stressed Brassica napus roots.
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: MOHAMMED MIRA, Ph.D. – University of Manitoba
    Abiotic: Water
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-96) The role of m6A RNA methylation in plant abiotic stress responses
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Ramanjulu Sunkar, Ph.D – Oklahoma State University
    Abiotic: Water
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-97) The vacuolar Ca2+ transporter CATION EXCHANGER 2 modulates hypoxic signaling and response to flooding in Arabidposis thaliana
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Arkadipta Bakshi (he/him/his) – University of Wisconsin, Madison
    Abiotic: Water
  • Posters
    60 minutes
    (100-98) Using a Cost-Efficient Phenotyping Platform to Identify Genes Involved in Drought Resilience
    Location: Exhibit Hall
    Poster Presenter: Hayley Sussman (she/her/hers) – Boyce Thompson Institute
    Abiotic: Water